Melkodige Estate Lot #3&5

ميلكوديج 3-5

"""Melkodige Estate is nestled in the serene mountain ranges of the kuaremuk Bio - reserve in the western Ghats , one of the top ten biodiversity hotspots in the world .
the southern wing butterfly the largest in india , is also the inspiration for the logo . It is one of the many species of butterflies , flora and fauna that make their home at Melkodige Estate. Melkodige is blessed with up to 120 inches rainfall annually . The coffee is planted on 45 - 60 degree slopes under a three- tier shade system that is unique to India and results in a distinctive micro climate .
the taller native shade trees are of the ficus , syzygium and largestroemia species .
The lower temporary shade is made up mainly of erythrina species , which enrich the soil by nitrogen fixation ."""

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Anaerobic Natural
    Variety: SLN9, SLN 795
    Cupping Score: 86.25
    Weight: 50kg Bag
    Notes: Cacao Nibs, Tropical Fruit , Floral, Orange