Muhura #B Natural

ميو هارا

Muhura was established in 2010 by a local investment company,
Dallas Investment. The company struggled with financing and
approached RTC to begin providing working capital in 2011. RTC
provided capital to the station for two seasons before purchasing
the station outright in 2013. On average, Muhura processes over
900 metric tons of cherry. RTC has provided the capital to
upgrade the facilities and improve the processing and management
capacity at the station. The station has great potential and is
expected to continue to improve the quality of the coffee, which
already a very good Inzovu grade.

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Natural
    Variety: Bourbon
    Cupping Score: 85.75
    Weight: 60kg Bag
    Notes: Black tea , pomegrante , fruity , caramel