Roaldo y El Bobo Obata

روالدو إل بوبو أوباتا

The Barquero family has owned Finca El Refugio del Roaldo y El Bobo (El Refugio, for short) since 1948. El Refugio was one of the first farms in the region to cultivate coffee. Today, the farm is managed by fourth- generation descendants of the original owners.
The 6 siblings – 3 sisters and 3 brothers – are motivated and innovative. They are experimenting with new approaches to improving quality and productivity on their farm. They are working with Coopelibertad to renovate rootstock and trial other programs to improve their coffee production.
Ripe, red cherry is selectively handpicked and then laid on drying beds. Cherry dries for an average of 25 days.
About Obata :
Obata is a cross between Timor and Villa Sarchi developed by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas, Brazil. The variety was released in Brazil is 2000. Obata was introduced to Costa Rica in 2014 by Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE). The variety is chosen for its high productivity and high resistance to coffee leaf rust.

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Natural
    Variety: Obata
    Cupping Score: 85.0
    Weight: 69kg Bag
    Notes: Fruity, Cacao Nibs, Red Grape, Almond