Las Mujeres Lot #106

لاس ميوخريس 106

This lot is a blend of two female members of the Aruco Micro lot program Yolanda Urrea Arita & Blanca Rosa Melgar
Yolanda owns the farm el Triunfo, which is located in the las Pacayas area of Corquin, Copan. Yolanda manages her farm with the help of her husband and her three sons who are all studying agronomy. The farm is made of red catuai and Lempira which Yolanda prefers for it’s great production and good cup quality. The farm is only small, at two hectares, and most of that is native forest and shade trees, since Yolanda believes that the key to the quality of her coffee is in the synergy of coffee with the rest of the environment.
Yolanda and her husband, Luis, manage the farms together and biodiversity is central to their approach. They have a variety of different fruit trees and native trees that attract all sorts of wildlife from birds to wild cats. On the farm they grow vegetables and raise cows, which they use the manure from to fertilize the farm. Although it's not certified, Yolanda and Luis manage their farms biodynamically.
This year the harvest for all producers was extremely difficult with increased rains during the harvest and a lack of pickers meaning a large amount of coffee was lost from either falling to the ground or swelling and splitting on the tree.

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Natural
    Variety: Parainema, IHCAFE,90, Lempira
    Cupping Score: 85.25
    Weight: 69kg Bag
    Notes: Blueberry, Caramel, Strawberry , Roasted Almond