Finca Himalaya Anaerobic

فينكا هامالايا أنروبيك

Thanks to his parents, Mauricio Silaviria grew up as a coffee grower from a young age. Mauricio now owns five small coffee farms and also has a processing plant under his supervision pacamara, pacas, Bourbon and mara caturra are the most popular varieties of coffee Maurice grows on his farms.
The Finca Himalaya farm is located in the highlands of Abancia in El Salvador, with an area of 15 hectares Light volcanic muddy terrain with average rainfall of about 2500 mm and under pine trees produces.

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    Process: Anaerobic
    Variety: Bourbon, Pacas
    Cupping Score: 87.5
    Weight: 69kg Bag
    Notes: Blueberry, Pineapple, Banana