La Pastora Natural

La Pastora Natural

Asoproaaa is an association that counts 1,000 members but only 300 are coffee producers (the other 700 are part of other programs handled by the association: citrus, cattle). The association was established in 1998 after Hurricane Mitch caused devastation in this region. They were key in the rebuilding of agriculture in the region and since then have gone from strength to strength. The funds gathered by the association are distributed as follow to finance projects: $1 million for coffee, $1 million for citruses, $1 million for cattle and $1 million for all entrepreneurship projects.
The average size of the farm for members is 5ha for a production of 50 quintals (46.5 kg green) perha. Varieties grown are mainly Red and Yellow Catuai and Caturra but also some Typica and
Geisha. The area produces quite a lot of coffee, but the association only buys micro lots.
One , because of the strategy (quality and specialty lots only) and two , because of the capacity: 500 exportable bags this year (1,000 fanegas). The premises and machines (and staff) could not handle buying the whole production of all members. They sell the lower grades to other buyers in the area.
Are processed washed, honeys and naturals in the wet mill. There is a mechanical sorting on dry beans. Brix measurements are taken before processing and help the team to make decision on the process to apply. Patios and African beds are used. This year they bought an extra 50 tables for honey. Everything was full as the entire crop arrived in a window of a few weeks only. The naturals are dried for between 15 - 25 days.
The drying stops when the coffee reaches a stable 10.5% moisture content. The dry milling is doneon site and bags leave the warehouse only when ready for export. The quality has been really good and we noticed an obvious increase in quality every year since we have been working with the association. The rains have affected a bit the farms but haven’t
affected the wet-dry mill as it’s located at a lower altitude and was quite dry and hot during the harvest.
The lower grades got after green sorting are roasted and packaged on site to be sold to the local market.
The association is running a housing program for the last 15 years with over 1,400 little houses that have been built for the most needed people in the community.

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Natural
    Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Costa Rica 95, Villa Sarchi
    Cupping Score: 86.0
    Weight: 69kg Bag
    Notes: Blueberry, Pomegranate, Cinnamon, Apricot, Lemon, Red Currant, Red Apple, Lime