St. Joseph Estate Anaerobic Lot #1Y

St. Joseph Estate Anaerobic Lot #1Y

St. Joseph Estate, located in the Palani Hills, is a prime example of the elegant mansions gracing the coffee estates of this region. Situated within the breathtaking beauty of the Palani Hills, St. Joseph Estate not only produces top-quality coffee but also offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the picturesque Landscapes and rich coffee culture of the area. These coffee estates in the Palani Hills, St. Joseph Estate, balance nature using modern technology in agroforestry and coffee cultivation, making them a captivating destination for coffee enthusiasts amidst the Western Ghats.

    This combination does not exist.

    Process: Anaerobic Natural
    Variety: Mixed Varieties
    Cupping Score: 86.5
    Weight: 50kg Bag
    Notes: Apricot, Banana, Grapefruit, Raisin, Dark Chocolate